School Workshops
A main goal in the 5*S project is to visit schools and deliver workshops to excite the next generation about space and observing the earth from space, and how we can use satellites in solving the big challenges today. We also work to provide specialised training to teachers, so teachers can show students the mighty things satellites can do.
- School Workshops
- Teacher Training Workshops
- Copernicus Satellite data and Software training (for industry professionals)
Each unique type of workshop has common threads, providing insights into the benefits that Copernicus satellites have in helping Ireland reach a more sustainable future.
A key part of the 5*S programme is developing workshops and lesson plans aimed at Junior Cycle students with the goal of increasing uptake in STEM subjects for the Leaving Certificate, as well as further into third level. We aim to do this by showcasing the potential that Geographic Information Systems (GIS) & Remote Sensing software have in addressing real world issues.
Through doing this students not only discover how the technology is used by professionals but are able to interact with the data themselves. Our aim is to encourage students to explore the vast array of opportunities that pursuing a STEM career would have .
Students have free access to the European Space Agency Copernicus Satellite data. We have created interactive ArcOnline Story Maps to illustrate ways this data can be mapped and visualised.
The workshop is currently delivered remotely by either a member of the 5*S team based in Maynooth University or a professional who is currently using the tools of surveying, satellites and mapping in their everyday work. The workshops have been designed to address a multiple learning outcomes across all strands of the Junior Cycle Science and Geography curricula.
The workshop brings the students on a journey showing them how numerous space based data sources can be visualised using GIS and how this can help Ireland work towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Lessons target real world issues. The Geography workshop examines an extreme weather event while the Science workshop focuses on renewable energy. Each one offers students a range of ways to develop Junior Cycle Key Skills.

Teacher Professional Development Workshops
These workshops are designed to show teachers – and student teachers – how to use the ArcGIS software and how to integrate it into multiple lesson plans. These interactive workshops:
- Are delivered remotely through Microsoft Teams / Zoom.
- Guide teachers on how to get their school set up with Esri’s ArcGIS Online software.
- Offer a range of pre-loaded Storymaps as content to analyse
- Explain where and to access data
- Develop skills in creating original Story maps using the ArcGIS Online platform
Student teachers in Maynooth University will have these workshops integrated in their methodology lectures and will be guided on how to use ArcGIS on their school placements.
Copernicus Training Workshops
Provide detailed Copernicus training workshops to industry professionals. The full day workshop is tailored for professionals who have some prior experience of working with GIS and RS data sets. The workshop is run over Teams but the participants use data provided to them through OneDrive links that they can download prior to the workshop commencing. This data is then processed using the European Space Agency software package SNAP. As part of the workshop industry professionals will receive 8 hours of CPD to go towards their yearly training hours.
The training is free of charge. In exchange all participants must agree to become Geo-Mentors and deliver one school workshop using 5*S content which will be provided to them.
Workshop details:
- Accredited by professional bodies such as the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland
- 8 hours of CPD will be awarded to participants
- Participants become Geo-Mentors and deliver one remote workshop using 5*S content to a school
Content Covered:
- Sentinel 1 Flood Mapping
- Sentinel 2 Land Classifications
- Sentinel 2 Band Combinations